illustration of a girl sleeping on the bed with text on the side reading "when someone says they had a dream about you?"

How to respond when someone says they had a dream about you?

by Daniel Conn
Updated on

When someone says they had a dream about you, it can be a very special experience.

This is because our dreams are often a reflection of our innermost thoughts and feelings. Dreams can also be a way for our subconscious to communicate with us.

If someone close to you has a dream about you, it is important to listen to what they have to say. This can be a powerful way to connect with one another and gain insight into each other’s lives.

In this article, we will tell you how you should respond when someone says they had a dream about you.

So let’s get started!

How to respond when someone says they had a dream about you?

If someone tells you that they had a dream about you, it’s important to be respectful and take their dream seriously, it’s only polite to act interested.

You should not be judgemental about it or laugh it off, but at the same time, you shouldn’t take it too seriously.

Here are some tips on how to respond:

Ask what the dream was about; was it a good dream or a bad dream?

There is a lot that can be gleaned from someone’s dreams, especially if those dreams are about you. To get a better understanding of what the dream may mean, it’s important to ask some follow-up questions.

Was the dream a good dream or a bad dream?

What specifically happened in the dream? If it was a good dream, say something like, “That’s so sweet!” If it was a bad dream, say something like, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

These questions can help provide some context and clarity about what the dreamer may be trying to communicate.

If they have good dreams about you, then it can mean they like you, and you are always on their mind even when they are sleeping, but if they had a bad dream about you, then it could mean that they are worried about you or afraid of losing you.

Probe gently to see if the dream might have any personal meaning for them

When someone tells you that they had a dream about you, it is important to probe gently to see if the dream might have any personal meaning for them.

Dreams are often symbolic, and so the meaning of a dream about you might not be immediately obvious.

However, by asking questions and exploring the dream with the dreamer, you may be able to uncover some hidden meaning or significance.

This can be a powerful way to connect with someone on a deeper level and to understand them better.

It will give you a deeper insight into the dreamer’s brain, and you’ll get a better understanding of what they think about you.

Just keep it casual and fun, and dont get into interrogation mode, and dont make it too serious.

Reassure them that you’re flattered by the dream and that it’s perfectly natural to dream about people we know

It is perfectly natural to dream about people we know. This is because our brains are constantly processing the vast amount of information we take in on a daily basis. 

This information includes everything from the people we see and interact with on a daily basis to the celebrities we see on TV.

So, it’s not surprising that our brains would sometimes mix up these different types of information and create a dream involving someone we know.

There’s no need to feel awkward or uncomfortable about it. Just assure them that it’s perfectly normal and that you’re flattered by the dream.

What does it mean when someone says they had a dream about you?

The interpretation of dreaming about someone usually falls into one of two categories.

The first is that the dream is symbolic of something that the dreamer is facing in their life.  

The second is that the dream is a manifestation of subconscious thoughts or feelings that the dreamer has about the person in question. In either case, it is important to take the time to reflect on what the dream might mean for you and the relationship you have with the other person.

It’s common to have dreams about people we know or even people we don’t know. But what does it mean when someone says they had a dream about you? 

There are a few different interpretations of what it could mean:

Maybe the person thinks of you as a symbol

It’s possible that the person who dreamed about you is thinking of you as a representation of something.

It could be that they see you as a symbol of something they need to work on in their own lives or that you represent something they need to pay attention to in their waking life. 

Dreams can be interpreted in many ways, so it’s hard to say for sure what this particular dream means. But it’s definitely possible that the dreamer is thinking of you as a representation of something important to them.

For example, if they look up to you and see you as a successful person, then it might be possible that they are seeing you in their dream because they are stressed about their own career or constantly thinking about achieving success.

The person could think of you as a symbol of something else entirely

It is possible that the person who had the dream about you is seeing you as a symbol of something else entirely. This is why the dream may have seemed so strange or confusing. 

It is important to try to understand what the dream may be trying to tell the dreamer. It is possible that the dream is trying to reveal something about the person’s own life or psyche that they are not consciously aware of.

Sometimes people are just a messenger in dreams, and they are there just to deliver the message.

So maybe there is some hidden message in their dream that they are yet to decode, and you were just a messenger, and it has nothing to do with you.

They miss you or like you.

It is common for people to have dreams about those they miss. Dreams are often a way for our subconscious to process our feelings and thoughts about someone. 

In this case, the dreamer is likely missing the person they dreamt about. Dreams can be a way for us to reconnect with someone we have lost or to process our feelings about them.

If you used to talk a lot and dont get to spend enough time together anymore, then it’s possible that they miss you and that’s why they are seeing you in their dream.

Another possibility is that they have feelings for you that they either dont know themselves yet or are trying to hide from you, and it gets manifested in the form of dreams.

Maybe it doesn’t mean anything.

We humans always try to find meaning in everything but the universe is mysterious, and sometimes things happen without reason.

It could be possible that there is no real meaning behind them dreaming about you, and you are just wasting your time looking for meaning.

Scientifically, most dreams dont really have any meaning, and them seeing you in their dream can be pure coincidence.

So if you are not able to find any meaning behind them seeing you in their dream, then maybe there is no real meaning behind this dream.

How to respond if your ex says that they had a dream about you?

It is not uncommon for people to have dreams about their exes, especially if they are still processing the breakup. If your ex tells you that they had a dream about you, it is important to be respectful and open-minded about what they are sharing.

Avoid getting defensive or feeling like you need to justify it. Instead, simply listen to what your ex has to say and try to understand their perspective.

If they seem upset or emotional, offer comfort and support. Thank them for being honest and sharing their experience with you.

In most cases, it doesn’t really mean much, and you dont really have to pay too much attention to it.

But sometimes, it can mean that your ex still has feelings for you and is trying to get back together, and in such cases, it’s on you to decide how you want to deal with this situation based on what feels right to you.

The Bottom Line:

The interpretation of dreaming about someone really depends on the context of the dream and what happens in it. If you dream that someone is telling you that they had a dream about you, it could simply mean that this person worries about you or is afraid of losing you. 

Alternatively, it could be a sign that you are connected to this person in some way or that you share a special bond. If the dream is positive and pleasant, it could be a reflection of your good qualities, or maybe you represent something from the dreamer’s life in their dream.

About the author

Daniel Conn

Daniel has more than 7 years of experience working as a relationship and dating coach. He has helped hundreds of people find love and fix the problems in their relationships.