illustration of a guy and a girl sitting in a circle using their phones with text on the side reading "What hurts more blocking or ignoring?"

What hurts more blocking or ignoring?

by Daniel Conn
Updated on

Blocking someone on social media is the new way of telling someone that you don’t want to talk to them. It’s the 21st-century version of giving someone the silent treatment. But which one actually hurts more, blocking or ignoring? 

This is a question that gets asked a lot, and it’s tough to answer.

It really depends on the situation. If someone is constantly trying to talk to you and you’re just not interested, then ignoring them is probably the best option.

However, if someone is being genuinely hurtful, then blocking them might be the best way to go.

Blocking someone might seem like the more harsh option, but in reality, ignoring someone is much worse.

When you block someone, they know that you don’t want to talk to them, and they can move on. But when you ignore someone, they keep wondering what they did wrong, and they can’t move on.

So, if you’re trying to hurt someone’s feelings, ignoring is the way to go.

Blocking vs. ignoring, which hurts more?

Blocking someone on social media or in real life is a common way to deal with people we don’t want to talk to.

But is it really the best way? Ignoring someone might hurt their feelings more and make them think about what they did wrong.

Blocking hurts more than ignoring.

When someone blocks you, it can feel like a personal rejection. After all, if they didn’t want to see you or hear from you, why would they bother taking the time to block you?

However, it’s important to remember that in most cases, the person who is blocking you is not actually rejecting you as a person. They may be doing it for a variety of reasons, none of which have anything to do with you.

Blocking can hurt more than ignoring in some cases.

When someone ignores you, it could be possible that they are still interested in you but doing it just to teach you a lesson or because they are upset.

But when someone blocks you, it is clear that they dont want to hear from you again, and that could hurt more than being ignored.

Ignoring hurts more than blocking

If you’re being ignored by someone, it can hurt more than if they were to block you outright. When someone ignores you, it can feel like they’re purposely trying to hurt you or make you feel invisible. 

It can feel like you don’t matter to them, and that can be incredibly painful. Being ignored can also make you feel isolated and alone. It can be a very frustrating and hurtful experience.

So, from the above debate, it is clear that ignoring hurts more than blocking.

What are the consequences of blocking?

There are a number of potential consequences that can result from blocking someone on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. 

These consequences can range from the user simply not being able to see the content that the person they have blocked has posted, such as posts or stories.

In some cases, blocking can also lead to real-life consequences such as harassment.

Not being able to see the content that the person they have blocked has posted.

The person who has been blocked will not be able to see any content that the blocker has posted.

This can be frustrating for the person who has been blocked, as they may feel like they are missing out on important information or updates from the blocker.

Additionally, the person who has been blocked may feel like they have been personally rejected by the blocker, which can be hurtful. If the person who has been blocked is someone who the blocker regularly interacts with, such as a friend or family member, then blocking them can cause a rift in the relationship.

Feels like rejection

The person getting blocked gets a feeling of rejection, and it can be quite hurtful for them.

If you block someone who is used to talking to you often or who you have recently broken up with and is trying to get in touch with you, then it can be quite painful for them when you block them.

It will show them that you are just not interested in keeping in touch with them and just dont want to hear from them anymore, which can be a hard pill to swallow.

Feeling of isolation and exclusion

When someone blocks another person on a social media platform, it can have a number of consequences. For the person who is being blocked, it can lead to feelings of isolation and exclusion.

If you are just upset with someone but still like them and care for them, then you should avoid blocking them as it can hurt them or make things worse between you two.

What are the consequences of ignoring?

If you’re in a relationship and you’re ignoring your partner, there are bound to be consequences. Your partner may feel neglected, unimportant, and unloved.

You may find that your partner starts to withdraw from you and that you have less and less in common. The relationship may become strained and eventually break down. So if you’re in a relationship, don’t ignore your partner – it could have significant consequences.

They may feel neglected, unimportant, and unloved.

If you neglect your partner, they may feel unloved, unimportant, and neglected. This can lead to serious consequences in your relationship, including a breakdown in communication, a loss of intimacy, and even divorce.

Neglecting your partner means that you are not giving them the attention they need and deserve. This can be incredibly hurtful and damaging to your relationship. Your partner may feel that they are not a priority in your life and that you do not care about them. 

This can lead to a breakdown in communication, as your partner may feel that they cannot trust you or that you are not interested in what they have to say. Additionally, neglect can lead to a loss of intimacy in your relationship. This is because intimacy requires attention.

They will start to withdraw from you.

When you ignore your partner, they may start to withdraw from you. This can lead to a feeling of disconnection, as you have less and less in common. If you don’t address the issue, it may eventually cause your partner to feel resentful and restless.

Relationships may become strained and eventually break down

If you ignore your partner, they may become strained and eventually break down. This is because you are not giving them the attention they need to thrive. 

Relationships need communication, time, and effort to stay strong. If you neglect any of these things, the relationship will suffer. Eventually, this can lead to the relationship breaking down completely.

The Bottom Line:

Both blocking and ignoring someone can cause a lot of pain. If you are the one being ignored, you might feel like you don’t matter to the other person. If you are the one doing the ignoring, you might feel guilty, or like you’re losing out on something.

The truth is, being ignored is often much worse than being blocked. When you’re ignored, it feels like the other person is purposely trying to hurt you by not acknowledging your existence. It can be a very painful experience.

Ultimately, it depends on the situation and the people involved.

About the author

Daniel Conn

Daniel has more than 7 years of experience working as a relationship and dating coach. He has helped hundreds of people find love and fix the problems in their relationships.