when a guy looks at your stomach

when a guy looks at your stomach [ Meaning]

by Daniel Conn
Updated on

So you noticed a guy staring at your abdomen area, and now you are wondering what it means when a guy looks at your stomach?

Attraction is quite mysterious and complex, and it’s difficult to find the logic behind it. You can get attracted to someone or something without even knowing why you like it.

People find different body parts attractive, some just love to stare into the eyes of their partner, while others love the smile, and strangely a lot of girls are attracted to guys’ forearms.

So you see, what you find attractive in a person is usually out of control, and you can find the weirdest of things attractive.

That is where the question comes what does it mean when a guy looks at your stomach?

Well, it could mean a few different things, but in general, it could signify that he is interested in you and finds you attracted. It could also be possible that he was staring into the space, and it happened to be your stomach, or maybe he has a fetish for the belly.

As you see, there is no one correct answer to this question, but In this article, we will discuss this question in detail and help you understand exactly what it means when he stares at your stomach.

so let’s get started

What does it mean when a guy looks at your stomach?

When a guy looks at your stomach, it could be because he is interested in you and find you attractive, or maybe he was just staring into the space, and it happened to be your abdomen, or perhaps he has a thing for the belly.

It could be a little difficult to point out the exact reason behind him staring at your belly, but it is most likely from one out of the reasons listed below.

He is interested in you.

This is one of the most probable reasons behind him looking at your stomach. He is most likely interested in you.

Maybe he likes you and is not able to come up to you to talk because he is shy or has approach anxiety. 

He is interested in you but is too shy to make eye contact, so instead, he just looks at your stomach.

He probably dont even realize that he is staring at your abdomen, but he is just interested in you and unable to approach you or make eye contact with you, so he is just looking at you.

He has a thing for belly.

Another possibility is that he has a thing for stomachs.

People have some weird fetishes, and well, you can’t really shame them about it, and maybe his fetish is stomach or belly button, and he just can’t help but stare at them.

Weird, I know, but as I said above, you can’t really decide what you find attractive, and for him, it could be stomach. 

He was just staring into space.

This is the most probable reason out of all.

Maybe he was just staring into space, thinking about something you just happened to be right in front of you, and you thought he was looking at your stomach.

When you caught him looking, if he was looking a little lost or kept staring even when you caught him, then there is a high chance that he was just staring into space.

He might not even remember looking at you because he was so lost in his thoughts.

He was checking you out.

Another reason for him looking at your stomach could be that he was checking you out.

Maybe he was checking you out, and when you caught him, he quickly moved his eyes to your abdomen to look less creepy.

It’s common knowledge that most guys do checkout girls, some in a creepy way while others in a more subtle way. 

Maybe he was just doing that, and you caught him, so he moved his eyes to your stomach to look less suspicious.

What should you do when a guy looks at your stomach?

Now that you know what could be the reasons behind a guy looking at your stomach or abdomen areas, the question comes what you should do if you catch a guy staring at your belly.

Well, it depends on the context and who is the guy doing it.

So if it was just a quick glance and he quickly moved his eyes away, then it could have been just some mistake and probably doesn’t mean much, so you shouldn’t really bother doing anything in this situation.

If a guy is staring at your stomach, then you will have to first see whether he is actually staring at you or just lost in his thought at staring at space. 

If you think he is deliberately looking at your belly, then it could mean that he is interested in you.

If you like the guy too, then it’s a good sign for you, but if it’s some random guy and you dont like him, then you can either move away from there or just confront him if it’s bothering you enough.

Just ask him what he is staring at, and if he was indeed looking at your stomach, he would probably get embarrassed and won’t do it again.

The Bottom Line:

When a guy looks at your stomach, it could be due to a few different reasons. Maybe he is interested in you and finds you attractive, or maybe he has a thing for stomachs, or perhaps he was just staring in space and was lost in his own thoughts.

If it was someone you like too, then it could be considered a good sign, and you can take it as a sign of interest, but if it was some random guy or someone who dont particularly like, then its best to either move away from there or confront him to make him stop.

About the author

Daniel Conn

Daniel has more than 7 years of experience working as a relationship and dating coach. He has helped hundreds of people find love and fix the problems in their relationships.